Necessity of Career Counseling

19 May, Bhaktapur : When a child is born, s/he knows nothing about world, his/her life, family or about owns self. As s/he starts growing up, child begins to understand about life, sense of living. The child gets education as enlightenment. And maintaining all the education s/he has gained, develops a goal – the goal of achieving something in life.

When a person finishes his/her school level, and then dilemma occurs about his/her career. There are many factors that affects the process of choosing a field as a career as like influence of peer, family force, mental pressure of competition, so called scope,etc. I still remember the day when a boy committed suicide being unable to handle the pressure of studying engineering. He wanted to go in field of agriculture but due to family pressure he had studied engineering.

A girl, who was an average student in my village, chose medical science, which needs a lot of hard work and pressure. At last she could not complete her studies and remained unemployed. I heard she is in depression now. She had studied medical science due to influence of her friend. These kinds of activities can come to full stop if we give or have proper career guidance.

Career guidance — a type of advice or support provided to assist an individual regarding management of their journey through life and learning. It is very important in our generation. Students are confused about choosing their fields; they do not know which one is best for them. All they do is listen to their parents, friends and go to the fields having so called scope and later on regret in their decisions.

Career counseling is important to know an individual’s study option and career it. Career means not only a part of life but it is the way of living life on significant part of lifestyle . An individual must explore current as well as future potential in their field. This can be made best understood by career counseling.

Career development is a part of human development. Career is a way in which individual’s creation, hard work emerges. Career guidance is not needed only once when a person is trying to choose a field but it is to assist and facilitate an individual throughout life.

If a career you have chosen doesn’t boost up your happiness, talents and creativity, then there is no way of managing your entire life. The main factor that helps in choosing your career is your passion. Go for the things that you are passionate about, that you feel free to perform. Career guidance helps us to get out from the confusion and make decision about career with long term plan to reach to our goal. It helps to set up our life. It helps to identify career opportunities and challenges.

Some of us may choose career seeing present scope but later on (in future) regrets about choosing the same career. Hence, career counseling helps us to study about the present as well as future context to choose a career. Career guidance prevents us from running towards so called scope. Career counselors are expert and professionals so, you get to share your ideas with experts related to your passion or your goal.

Being a student, I have always felt career counseling for youths and students is very important as it helps to get off the dilemma, prevent us from getting into unnecessary pressure and influence of friends and also dealing with mental pressure. Hence, career development for youth and student helps them to make the right choice about their career paths, human development and career or creational change.

(Adhikari is class 12 student at Sainik Awasiya Mahavidyalaya, Bhaktapur)
