Ongoing Covid-19 Pandemic and Upcoming Challenges

Sandesh GhimireSandesh Ghimire

4 June, Kathmandu : Skyrocketing rate of pandemic flow amid its emergence from Wuhan, China on late December has been a global threat. Its alarming spread in neighboring country India has possessed a high risk in Nepal too; the casualties counting over 2634. The pandemic has brought endeavors challenges in every sector of the country. Open border with India, economic crisis, hindrance in development works, disturbed social life, lack of empowered health services and attributive skilled manpower are prime challenges.

Analyzing the recent infection cases, it is obvious that entry of people via open border between India and Nepal has raised a serious threat. About 1880km of open area with no discrete structural boundaries, despite attempts of security forces has regularly witnessed hide and seek of many people from India even after restrictions and lockdowns. The proper management of them in quarantines and prompt testing along with mass awareness regarding its contagion and testing protocols is to be done strictly; otherwise we have to go through a catastrophic destruction.

Skilled functional manpower is another critical challenge. There is very low number of efficient man powers combating COVID-19 pandemic. They are the front line warriors and are more prone to infection. There is a huge gap between health service providers including doctors, nurses and general public. For instance, doctor to population ratio for the whole country is 1:1724 and doctor to patient ratio is 0.17 per 1000. Similar is the case for access and availability of other health workers and health services. It is annoying even in normal period. This gap surely has invincible disproportion during such pandemic period.

Nepal being developing country lacks efficient health services and system. The loopholes become wider during these emergencies and it is must to wipe them out. For this, trainings should be provided to all health workers, security forces along with provision of volunteers. Microbiologists and epidemiologists are the most proficient regarding epidemic spread, its tracing and management. Public health microbiologists and medical virologists need to be provided full space for their work in infected area in collaboration with local bodies under the authority of Nepal Health Research Council. Government can also collaborate with universities and utilize their students and professionals of medical science, genetic engineering, biotechnology and microbiology who are potent in PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) testing, viral genetic analysis, viral dynamics and natural history of disease.

The whole country is in lockdown for more than two months. It has created a crisis of food and shelter to daily wage workers, labors, poor and low income families. Many people have lost their jobs. Factories, industries and offices have been closed. Economic crisis has devastated the psychological and mental health too. So, a proper strategy on mortgage relief, job security and business support from government is expected. This is the best time when aim of revolutionizing national economy through agriculture can be well implemented. Provision of low interest capitals to promote entrepreneurship can also establish belief in every citizen regarding their secured investment and generate will power regarding self-employment.

Visit year 2020 has been postponed. Tourism sector has also been annihilated. Now, promotion of domestic tourism is important, as it can take couple of years to re-ignite and re-establish international tourism. Agencies working on tourism and local government should work collaterally for establishing local tourism.

All schools, colleges and universities have been closed for a long time. Young students have been disturbed mentally and psychologically. Online classes have not been effective in lack of proper access of internet services and devices to all. Skepticism regarding exams and class resuming is continuously afflicting them. Guardians and family members need to be more responsible to guide young children through the catastrophe. In modern era of global competition, busy life makes it really hard to spend time together. The lockdown time should be turned to a beautiful family time to improve family bonding and make the child know the importance of emotions, sentiments along with social life. The students can also be integrated as means of mass awareness on mode of infection, benefits of social distancing, personal hygiene and safety measures within their family and community.

There is still lack of effective health services. Only few sixty thousands of RT-PCR testing has been carried out till now. Still about 100,000 people are in quarantine. The flow through border is continuous. The Nepalese from abroad also need to be repatriated gradually. A bitter truth crumbles that even the people in quarantine has not been fully tested and the corona infection are only confirmed posthumously. There is prompt need of enormous testing. The use of automated system for testing is to be established soon. The provision of quarantines and isolation upgraded to national guidelines are necessary in large numbers with probable increment of infection. Every minutia, machineries and systems of government must be used to increase testing because test, test and test is the only procedure to combat COVID-19 based on World Health Organization. Collaborative functioning of central, federal (state) and local government bodies is utmost in emergency; otherwise an approaching catastrophe would go out of control.

Upgrading and reinstituting post-pandemic era is an uphill task and requires prospective vision, supreme leadership, mutual multidisciplinary approach along with collective effort to uplift health as well as wealth of the people. The pandemic of Corona virus need to be used as a golden opportunity to strengthen our health services system, make a country independent on agriculture, establish areas of employment, promote investment and institutionalize indispensable unity. This is not the end, so this time should be used as preparatory phase for upcoming epidemics that may astonish the world again. Country cannot risk always being under limitations and lockdowns.

However, social distancing is to be followed for long time even after lockdowns. It’s a responsibility of every citizen to support government as a brave warrior. We need to maintain distancing in society, working areas and during access of services. We have to be more responsible to contain pandemic, believe we can do it shortly. But, united with a common spirit every Nepali, living in Nepal or abroad wish their government to take their guardianship to lead them through this bio-hostility.

writer Ghimire, student of MSc. in Public Health Microbiology studying in Central Department of Microbiology, TU, Kirtipur.
