Digital Dakshina to Your Loved Ones From Connect IPS

15 Oct., Kathmandu : With an objective to encourage digital payment transactions and to support non-cash celebration during this Dashain festival, NCHL through its connectIPS has initiated a campaign “Manaau Dashain 15 dinai connectIPS sangai” through which the bank customers can send Digital Dakshina to their loved ones. And provides an opportunity for 10 lucky winners to get gift voucher worth Rs. 1,000 each day. The campaign will start from 1st of Kartik till 15th of Kartik.

The bank’s customer needs to click on the ‘Transfer Digital Dakshina’ tab available in and its mobile app to transfer desired amount to the recipient. The daily winners will be announced on the following day from official pages of NCHL.

The bank customers can enroll in connectIPS system and link their bank accounts(s) with one-time verification from the bank or self-verify the bank account for selected banks. Payments can be initiated from, its mobile application, payment processor (gateway) or most of the bank’s mobile or internet banking. For more information, visit or
