Sorry state of capital expenditure in Myagdi

Myagdi : As the fiscal year is about to end, more than two thirds of the total capital budget allocated for Myagdi district is yet to be spent.

The District Treasury Controller Office, Myagdi, shared that around 20 per cent of the total capital budget of the federal government and 32.36 per cent of the province government is spent till Thursday, as the first 11 months of the fiscal year 2078/079 BS is expiring in a month.

Chief Treasury Controller of Myagdi Rambhakta Ranabhat said almost 83 per cent of the total current expenditure of the federal government and 48.41 per cent of the province government is spent till Thursday in the district.

“The status of current expenditure related to salary and allowances, administrative costs and grants to be given to the local level is satisfactory. But debate on improving capital expenditure is required,” Ranabhat added.

The federal government had allocated Rs 542 million plus budget under the different headings for capital expenditure in Myagdi for the current fiscal year. However, the implementing government agencies have spent just Rs 107.6 million in the first 11 months of the fiscal year.

Chief of Infrastructure Development Office, Myagdi, Gurudutta Adhikari argued that the status of capital expenditure is slow due to delayed approval for spending, cumbersome process for contract bidding and procurement process, among other reasons.
